Cosmetic Tattoo Supplies

Training Venue Exclusive Hire

  • $600.00

Training Venue Exclusive Hire

Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm

Includes exclusive use of entire venue including Main Training Room, Reception, Private Training Room, Theory/Meeting Room, Kitchen, Lunchroom & Bathroom Amenities and Outdoor Courtyard.

Training room has the capacity for between 5/6 beauty beds. 

Each station is complete with fully electric & adjustable beauty bed, magnifying lamp, sharps container, mirrors, stool & fully stocked trolley with all the essentials. Training room also offers three hands free sinks & glove stations, air conditioning and heating. You will also have access to bathroom & kitchen amenities. 

We can assist you with catering, accommodation and supplies if you require. 

** Please add proposed hire dates to the order notes **

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